About us
At the Table Church is a missional community developed around the relationship that happens between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It’s about how they pursue relationship with each other and how the scriptures have shown us this relationship. The best part is we get to carry this out with others in life around the table. A table is a place where life happens. It’s a place of laughter, it’s a place of tears, it’s a place of messiness, it can even be a place of fierce conversation. It’s even better when great food and drink are in the middle of it.
When you come to At the Table, you will be invited to the table and a soft place to sit. We are an informal place. You will not find a worship service but you will find a place of faith at all levels. You may even find some who are still deciding what faith means. Our hope is you find a safe place to grow with others and to extend your life and table. It’s not just about our table, At the Table Church, but the tables of others. That means our table is extended in the spaces we do life every day. It’s not just a Sunday reality but a life lived out.
Our style is conversational in the place of community. It’s all organic based on how the holy spirit is leading us and the community that is gathered. There are many scriptures about coming to the table and doing life at or around the table.
(Exodus 25:23-30, Numbers 4:7, 2 Samuel 9:7,28, I Chronicles 9:32, I Chronicles 28:16, Psalm 23:5, Psalm 69:22, Song of Songs 1:12, , Acts 2:46. Luke 7:34; 36-50, Luke 14:15, John 12:2, Hebrews 9:2)
Lead Pastors Jared and Ashley Dupert have the vision to see people come to a deeper revelation of God. By fellowshipping, worshiping, and eating around the table we will grow together as a family. Family, in persistent pursuit of a relationship with God and those around us.
A Churcharaunt:
“What exactly is a Churcharaunt?” Well, Im glad you asked. This is what we talk about in the days ahead for At the Table. A Churcharaunt is exactly what it sounds like, a church with a restaurant in it. “And why a Churcharaunt you ask?” Well, because we Love God and we Love Food. And even more, we Love to share our passion for Jesus and Food with the people around us. Matthew 26: 20 says “When evening came, Jesus was reclining at the table with the Twelve.” We see this imagery all throughout The New Testament. So many times, Jesus meets them at the table. And so many times their lives are changed, simply by encountering the Living God in the place of nourishment and rest.
At The Table Church, is a Covenant Member of the International Church of Foursquare Gospel affiliate. Click here to get more info on ICFG and the Multiply training.
Eating at the table is one of the greatest ways to share love. It's putting our best at the table for others to partake of. It's a weekly family meal with great food, conversation, laughter, and sometimes tears. It's a safe space for people to break down walls and do life together. It's kinda like the show, Cheers, where everybody knows your name.
Gathering at the table gives us the space to welcome people into a conversation. A conversation about the person, about life, about faith, or no faith at all. It can be as simple as what is the church to you? It's a space to meet people where they are, and invite them into the relationship that is happening between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
As Shauna Niequist says in her book, “Many of the sacred moments - the ones in which we feel God’s presence most profoundly when we feel the goodness of the world most arrestingly - take place around the table. Something extraordinary happens when we slow down, open our homes, look into one another’s faces, and listen to one another’s stories around the table.
Extending the table gives us the ability to leave an extra seat. That extra seat is for someone who shows up or for those we are doing life with to join us. Extending the table is also building new tables in other locations. It's empowering and resourcing others to go and fill another table.
Meet the Pastors
Our Pastors and leaders are honored to be able to do life around the table, with you.
Lead Pastors
Jared and Ashley come to Sioux Falls from Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. Jared and Ashley have the heart to see people living a life of change, encounter, and transformation. It is their desire that all would encounter God in the place of intimacy, growing in identity and being released in their calling. They also own Omorfia Designs Inc and Design and Co., an interior design company, and a co-op space for interior designers. Together, they have four beautiful girls, Riley, Peyton, Braylin, and Charley.
Contact Jared & Ashley